In my previous blog I wrote about how you can get started with writing end to end tests for sencha apps. In this blog post I’m going to show how you can get started using cucumber to write BDD tests for a Ext JS 5 app. The Application under test will be the Ext JS 5.0 example Ticket App and can be found @
I have already put together a ruby+cucumber+watirwebdriver boilerplate in github which we will be using in this blog post.
Please checkout the source from github and follow the steps in the readme to get cucumber setup. The sample tests in there were written against our website (, but please ignore the feature files in the repository for now.
Lets write our feature file first to get started. Create a new file named extjs5.feature inside the cukeit/features folder
cd cukeit/features
touch extjs5.feature
copy the contents of the feature file to the extjs5.feature file.
Feature: Sample Extjs5 BDD test
Scenario: Edit a Project Member
Given I am on the Ticket home page
Then I must see the page title "Ticket"
Given I log in the application
And I wait for the "Project Summary - SDK" text to be displayed
Then I must see the text "Ticket Status Summary" displayed
And I must see the text "Project Members - Lead: Don" displayed
Given I click the "Edit" span
And I wait for the "Edit User: Tommy" text to be displayed
Given I enter "Thomas" in the test field named "textfield-1073-inputEl"
And I click the "Close" span
And I wait for the "Edit User: Thomas" div to close
Then I must see the text "Thomas" displayed
Execute the feature file in dry run mode buy adding a -d option
cucumber features/extjs5.feature -d
You should see an output like this
copy the output from your console and paste it into a new file named extjs5_steps.rb under the step_definitions folder. Here is where you will be writing your step definitions in ruby so a little bit of ruby knowledge will be very helpful.
Copy the code below into the extjs5_steps.rb file
Given(/^I am on the Ticket home page$/) do
Given(/^I log in the application$/) do
Watir::Wait.until { @browser.text.include? 'Login - Ticket App' }
@browser.text_field(:name,"password").set "blah"
Given(/^I wait for the "(.*?)" text to be displayed$/) do |arg1|
Watir::Wait.until { @browser.text.include? arg1 }
Then(/^I must see the text "(.*?)" displayed$/) do |arg1|
Given(/^I enter "(.*?)" in the test field named "(.*?)"$/) do |text, text_field_name|
@browser.text_field(:name,text_field_name).set text
Given(/^I wait for the "(.*?)" div to close$/) do |div_text|
To execute the tests run the following command
cucumber features/extjs5.feature
You should see the all the test steps passing!!
This was just a basic introduction on how you can use cucumber to write acceptance tests which also acts as living documentation. You can also use cucumber to write tests against any kind of application. For more information on cucumber please visit There are also two very good books that you can read. The Cucumber Book and Cucumber Recipes
Bharath Khambadkone
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