Application Modernization

Build innovative digital solutions that impress your customers

Leave legacy technology behind

To outpace your competitors and keep up with the rapidly changing AI landscape, modernize your applications and embrace a culture of innovation.

Our certified experts have provided modernization assessments to several Fortune 500 firms, analyzing the current state of their tech and making recommendations for modernizing the front and back ends.


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Core features

Resolve technical debt

Engineers spend 33% of their time dealing with technical debt. Modernizing applications can reduce technical debt and accelerate product development for your team.

  • Implementing micro-frontends
  • Enabling micro-services
  • Decoupling front-end and back-end
  • Introducing CI/CD practice

Improve customer satisfaction

User sensibilities and expectations evolve at a rapid speed. Modernizing your apps boosts retention and creates happy customers.

  • Lower churn rate
  • Increased upselling and retention
  • Higher word-of-mouth referrals
  • Value-added interactions with customers

Cross-platform expertise

Instead of maintaining separate codebases, use cross-platform frameworks such as Ionic, React Native, Flutter, and Cordova to create cross-platform applications. 

  • Lower development costs
  • Faster time-to-market
  • Easier application maintenance

Support and scale AI

AI is everywhere, but where do you start? Modernizing applications is crucial to keeping up with the changing AI landscape and gaining a competitive advantage.

  • Future-proofing the technology stack
  • Accelerated innovation
  • Strengthened security

Modernizing IT is a primary objective for 64% of organizations

Not only are customers becoming increasingly aware of and drawn to products that have the latest technologies and capabilities, but their expectations of a best-in-class user experience across channels are growing exponentially. With new offerings from both startups and established competitors crowding the market, it is becoming nearly impossible for organizations to maintain market share with legacy applications. According to our latest research on Digital Transformation and Product Development, 64% of organizations surveyed will be investing in IT modernization, and 36% cite application modernization as a specific priority.


The Process

The perfect balance between focused code review and exhaustive portfolio analysis.

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Data gathering

In-depth interviews to get a 360-degree overview of the application

Technical Assessment

Insights on the state of technical debt, existing code, processes, and platforms

Assessment Report

Action items for your team to address the insights from the technical assessment

Get access to top-tier technologies

Modus Create is an official partner of global technology companies leading the AI revolution, helping you enable next-gen tools throughout your software lifecycle. 

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Modernize your apps today

Want to talk to a product development expert? Drop us a message and we’ll get back to you.
